Comments on: How I’ve Saved Thousands of Dollars on Clothes for My Kids Financial independence and simple living Mon, 19 Dec 2022 03:06:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy K Mon, 19 Dec 2022 03:06:47 +0000 We were lucky to have a daughter that slotted in right after our friends two daughters, and in the middle of a pack of cousins. With two families of hand me downs and one family to return outgrown clothes to, it has been a dream! Now my daughter is 11 and big for her age we’ve caught up to the older girls so we’re buying clothes. But she also has much stronger opinions on clothes (black leggings EVERY day? And what do you mean the winter coat is “too thick”?) so it is working out well to buy what she’ll actually wear. And we can still hand down the outgrown or not-to-our-taste clothes.

By: Clara Fri, 16 Dec 2022 02:59:36 +0000 I have a boy followed by 2 girls. One trick that has worked well is buying snowpants and winter boots in black or maybe gray with no patterns. 2-3 kids will go through each pair and since they are not clearly a boy or girl item, it works for all 3 and goes with any winter coat.

By: Eric Bowlin Wed, 14 Dec 2022 23:35:16 +0000 You bring up a good point about easy come easy go. If you pay little and don’t like it, it’s easy to move on.

By: Erin Fri, 09 Dec 2022 22:08:12 +0000 It gets much harder to find used clothing as they get older. When my kids were young, hand me downs were abundant! My older boys are teens now and taller than their dad, bigger feet too! I’ve tried Thrift Stores but it can be quite time consuming looking for 4 kids and after leaving multiple times with nothing I’ve kind of given up! My youngest (7) gets some hand me downs still and we always pass her clothes along to friends with younger kids! I didn’t have time to hit any garage sales this summer (I usually work on the weekends) but will need to try next year! We spent much more that I would have liked on clothing and shoes this year!

By: MC Thu, 08 Dec 2022 20:56:53 +0000 In reply to Laurie.

Exactly! After around age 8, it’s hard to find clothes at garage sales! And if you DO find them, it’s not matching in style as 8-9 year olds are starting to get picky! And we don’t have anyone to get hand-me downs from either! So it’s been harder for us the last few years. My girls are now 15,12, and 9 and VERY different styles (one wears predominately boys’ clothes) and unfortunately, around 14-ish, my oldest was outgrowing clothes about every 4 months. Good luck Mrs. Frugalwoods! – hope your success continues in this area but I’m a little pessimistic, sorry! We basically buy new from Target and Kohl’s and do consignment at Plato’s Closet and others, and just hope that some clothes will be enjoyed by the younger sisters.

By: Mrs. Frugalwoods Wed, 07 Dec 2022 12:23:39 +0000 In reply to Rebecca.

That is a fantastic approach!!! I love anything that enfranchises kids to manage their own money. Brilliant! You are giving your kids an amazing gift of financial literacy!!

By: Rebecca Tue, 06 Dec 2022 18:15:11 +0000 I used the same approach when my kids were small, really up until about age 12. Now that they’re teenagers, I’ve transitioned toward a combination of scouting free clothes for them to consider, and giving them a budget of $50 per month per kid for clothing, which they can spend or save as needed.

This was based on what I was spending out of pocket, and scaling up a bit to adjust for the reality that teen boy pants and shoes and coats are quickly outgrown and hard to come by, plus that teens have more specific preferences and are determining their own style. I wanted to put an upper lid on spending, and motivate them to seek out good deals, knowing that they’re living in an environment where most of their peers come from affluent families who spend a small fortune on teen clothing whims.

The result is that my teens do have strong opinions about their clothing preferences and choices, but they’re extremely price conscious and hunt for good deals. They occasionally splurge on an expensive piece, if they love it, and if the novelty wears off fast, then it’s a good life lesson because the money is gone.

Both kids have accumulated more savings than the average American household has (!) and still manage to have appropriate wardrobes, so I guess we’re doing something right. I’d estimate their actual spending is somewhere in the neighborhood of $200/yr per kid, including shoes and coats, and they pocket the other $400.

By: Lindsey Tue, 06 Dec 2022 04:57:52 +0000 A random tip from a former elementary school office manager- ask your school if you can take the lost and found to the goodwill before each school break and you will get pick of the lost and found items and brownie points from the office staff who often end up dealing with the left over lost and found. I was a particularly frugal/environmentally aware office manager who would wash clothes , find homes for what I could and then take the rest of anything usable to Goodwill but many don’t have the energy for that and it just goes in the trash. So many expensive water bottles, lunch bags and jackets!! (Bonus points if you are willing to go through it a few weeks ahead of time to look for names on things and post on a parent group page about your time frames (ie: all items in lost and found will be donated at the start of Winter Break) so they can search for their own kids stuff- if a parent doesn’t take this on, again, it ends up being staff- if they have the capacity).

By: Alexandra Tue, 06 Dec 2022 01:39:00 +0000 In reply to Elaine N.

Oh, I so hear you! My mom could not believe I bought at garage sales, but I was (and still am) enjoying it and found really nice things, for like a quarter. I still remember a cute applique sweater for our son that I found literally for a quarter.

By: Alexandra Tue, 06 Dec 2022 01:37:22 +0000 In reply to Christine.

Yes, for business clothes, know your brands and sizes and go on Thredup or Ebay. I have an office job and need to look halfways civilized, and that’s been my way to go for many years. Also, mix old things with jewelry or scarves, looks always nice. Have a black skirt with colorful tights or a black sweater with a colorful necklace. I find the jewelry at craft fairs, on Etsy and at garage sales. I am 6ft tall, so it’s difficult to find clothes that fit right. My go-to has been the gap for basic T-Shirts and jeans, always waiting for sales & specials, they last forever, the quality is really good.
