Category: Smart Buys


How I’m Learning To Love My Body, Find A Middle Ground, And Buy Clothes Without Regret

I was pregnant or breastfeeding for four years. Starting in March 2015, when I got pregnant with Kidwoods, straight through to April 2019, when I weaned a 14-month-old Littlewoods. There was a one-month hiatus in 2017 after I weaned Kidwoods and before I got pregnant with Littlewoods. Other than that, my body’s been in full-time mama territory. Today is an exploration of how my relationship with my body–and by extension, with clothes–evolved as a result...


My Frugal Cell Phone Service Trick: How I Pay $10.65 A Month

I used to pay $81 a month for my cell phone service. Now, I pay $10.65 a month. It’s rare that there’s one weird trick to saving money. Usually, saving entails hard work and sacrifice. Today, I bring you an exception. Today, I bring you a way to save money every month that’s easy and painless. Today, I introduce you to the world of MVNOs. I know, you’ve been thinking about your Moonbeam Vector Newt...


When Spending Money Equals Happiness: Why I Bought A Roomba

I bought a Roomba. Yes indeed, I am the owner of a $259.98 robot vacuum (affiliate link). And I’m pretty happy about it. Let me tell you why. I have competing passions in my life: 1) I like to save money; 2) I love a clean house; 3) I love to write about money MORE than I love to clean my house; 4) I have two kids (who I love!). Lots of love here. I’ve balanced these...


How I Saved Tons Of Money During My Baby’s First Year

In honor of Littlewoods turning ONE YEAR OLD this month, I’m enshrining my ideas on how to be frugal with infants. ALL of my ideas. Seriously, I don’t think I left anything out. You’re welcome and/or I’m sorry. Waxing Nostalgic With Littlewoods’ first birthday, I finally understand the feeling “bittersweet.” As my second, and final, baby transitions out of baby-ness, I’m nostalgic. I can’t say I’m sad because I don’t love the newborn phase. Neither...


Why We Went Solar: The Economics, The Environment, and The Energy Produced

This is the post you’ve all been waiting for. This is the answer to your prayers and the deliverer of miracles. That’s right, I’m finally writing about our solar panels. I know you’re thrilled. Actually, I think ten of you are, in fact, thrilled and the rest of you will read along just to see hot panel pics. I know I would. As everyone in the world knows (or at least, everyone who follows along...


How We’re Preparing To Make Maple Syrup

Today we’re going to learn about making maple syrup! But first, I must regale you with a story (far be it for me to get to the point quickly… ): One of the reasons my husband and I chose to move to a 66 acre homestead in Vermont three years ago is that we knew nothing about homesteading. Yep. We both felt conversant in city life–to the point of boredom–and wanted a new challenge. I...


My Book, “Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living,” Publishes Today!

I can’t believe I’m actually writing these words, but, as of today, I’m officially a published author! My book, Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living, is out today! Published by HarperCollins, I am beyond thrilled to share my story of realizing the joys of frugality, simplicity, and the power of wisely managing your money. I’m going to be on NPR’s live call-in show, On Point, today (March 6, 2018) at 11am EST to discuss my...


Announcing My Book, “Meet The Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living”

I wrote a book! In keeping with my theme lately of not burying the lead, I figured I’d just go ahead and get it out there. I’m thrilled to finally share this news because my book has been a long time coming. I started this journey when I was pregnant with Babywoods 1 and the book will publish after Babywoods 2 is born! And what a wonderful journey it has been. Writing is my passion, it’s one of the things...


Why I (Mostly) Disagree With Buy It For Life

There’s an expensive, pseudo-frugal trend floating around out there referred to as “Buy It For Life” (BIFL). The idea behind this proclamation is that you should buy expensive, high quality products for everything you need–from hair dryers to frying pans to bookshelves–and then never buy that item again. Ever. For the rest of your life. As a devoted non-shopper, I like this concept in theory, but I also have a sneaking suspicion that I’m catching the oh-so-elusive scent...


How We Bought Inexpensive, Awesome Glasses Online

Mr. Frugalwoods needed glasses. After years of competing over who could discern distant signs on roadtrips first, age finally caught up with my mountain/computer man. Both of his vocations–software engineering and forestry management/homesteading–require the ability to see clearly. As does, you know, life in general. Last year he started getting headaches and complained of blurry vision and so, the time had come. I sent him to the eye doctor. Verdict: his vision isn’t terrible, but it’s...