Monthly Archive: June 2015


Our 15 Frugal Moving Tips

It’s moving season! No, Mr. Frugalwoods, Frugal Hound and I aren’t moving–yet–but we’ve moved a grand total of 15 times between the two of us (not counting Frugal Hound’s various hound-related moves). All of these moves were between states and, in some cases, across vast swaths of the country. Since most of us are probably either too old or not idealistic enough to move with just a backpack, let’s assume the few of you who can...


I Used To Be Afraid Of Money, But Things Have Changed

My post today is part of the The Road to Financial Wellness Blog Tour. Over a period of 30 days, the Phroogal team will go to 30 locations to raise awareness about financial empowerment. Today they will be in the Boston area! Our goal is to help people learn about money by starting the conversation. We understand that local conversations can help bring about national awareness. I used to be afraid of money. Not in the...


May 2015 Expenditures

April Showers Brought May Visitors May brought us a visit from the lovely Cait of Blonde On A Budget and Sarah of Unsettle. They were rolling through Boston on their East Coast jaunt and we had them over for dinner, which was just delightful. This was yet another time where we welcomed friends we knew through the internet only into our home and yet again, we had a fantastic time. Frugal Hound also adored meeting...